The new month is here, which means I can FINALLY shop!! I’ve been looking forward to shopping for a while now (as you would have probably guessed). Although I am able to shop again, I have learned a lot from not shopping and seeing what I spend my money on besides clothes. Instead of going back to spending spending spending, I am going to take some things into consideration while shopping during the month of February that will hopefully stick for the rest of the year.
First off, I want to reflect on not being able to shop for the month of January. In years past, I found it really hard because going to the mall is a very popular thing to do in my town, and it was something to do with friends. Having said that, I spent a majority of my January working at the mall. Weirdly enough, though, I was not tempted to by anything while working in Anthropologie besides my lunch and dinner! I think this was because I was continuously folding and picking the same clothes from the ground and seeing them everyday. A lot of the people I worked with agreed that the more they have to clean up and the more they see certain items, they less tempted they are to buy them (which I found relatable and interesting). It was much easier to not be tempted to shop if I avoided all malls and all of my favorite stores. Instead, I cleaned out my closet and used the Finery app to be able to “shop” from my own closet. I found a lot of clothes that I completely forgot I had in my closet!
So, now that I’m free to shop, you would think I would go crazy and spend for the time that I have missed. As tempting as that is, I wanted to take a different approach. I have recently heard so many great things about Rent the Runway and how it’s an awesome way to save money and space as a college student. During the whole month of February, I’m going to see if Rent the Runway helps cut back on my shopping addiction. I have rented 4 pieces of clothing (one dress, one pair of pants, one top and one jacket) and I’m going to see how many outfits I can make out of those four pieces of clothing. It will be interesting to see if I can last on just four new additions to my wardrobe!
My goal this month is to use my Finery app to style on my virtual closet, test out Rent the Runway and budget my own shopping to $100 for the whole month. This may seem like a lot and you may be thinking (“Alexis you’re still spending a sh*t ton of money on clothes”, but looking at how much money I spent in the past three months on clothes (not including January), it is a huge cutback for me.
I will be posting my new Rent the Runway outfits on my Instagram @alexisscarey (and occasionally @alexiscarey), so starting counting how many outfits I make this month out of these four pieces!