5 Things I've learned from We Are Warriors: One Year Anniversary Edition

I wanted to write a special blog post just for this community. One year ago (April 1st), Influencer/model Alexis Ren first released her formerly known AR challenge. This soon turned into We Are Warriors, with much more than just working out being at top of mind. I am proud to say that I was one of the first people to sign up for it (OG Warrior for life!) Here are 5 things that I have been able to achieve within just ONE year of WAW:

Train THE Alexis Ren on Instagram Live

This one had to be my biggest accomplishment for sure. During the January challenge, I was able to host workouts on Instagram Live every Sunday so followers could learn some stuff about fitness. I would share this with the other girls by featuring someone to do a workout with me live every week. Once I had the idea of working out with Alexis, it was a matter of days to set it up between me, her and another OG Warrior Sahar. It was the coolest experience ever to be able to go live and teach Alexis, along with 5,000+ other viewer. If you want to read more about this, you can click the link here to go to my post about it.

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Be a blogger for the program:

At the end of 2020, the warriors sent out internship application forms, and of course, I had to bounce on that opportunity! I applied to be a blogger for the program and got it! We sat in on zoom workshops to learn blogging 101 with the Co-founder and journalist: Anthea Taeuber. This is where I learned all about SEO, blog formatting and blog structuring (which is what I’ve actually been able to apply to my own blog if you’ve noticed a shift in writing from my older posts.) Blogging for them has allowed me to increase my knowledge of a hobby that I love to do!

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Lead the February workout challenge

What’s cooler than teaching an IG live workout? Leading a WHOLE ASS CHALLENGE! Yup, I did that! During the month of February I was able to lead my own strength challenge for over 1,600 girls. Since I wanted to spread my knowledge of fitness to the other girls, I incorporated at home strength training with everything but weights! So, instead of using weight, we found stuff around our house that we could use! It definitely got me out of my comfort zone along with a lot of other girls. Each girl brings their own unique talents to the table and WAW highlights everyones special characteristics. As Alexis says, “You girls are as much of teachers as I am.”

Healed my relationship with my body and mind

This is an important one for me, as well as many of the girls that are in the program. This community has allowed hundreds of girls to stop comparing themselves to other people and start seeing the best in them. Over this past year, I have discovered a new side of myself through journaling that I never would have known existed. I can now put my feelings into words (which sounds simple, but sometimes emotions are much stronger). I have also had much more confidence in the mirror than I ever have before! There are special group chats within the program where everyone just hypes each other up, which is where I have been able to gain a lot of confidence from.

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Met the most incredible people

I love meeting the new people that come into this program, and the people who have been there actually run this community! We are all friends. Everyone helps each other out. There is always someone there to help you through you down days. AND, the most important, you are NEVER alone! Oh, and did I mention I’ve met the coolest guides literally EVER?! Yeah! I’ve gotten to ask Scarlett Leithold for modeling advice. I’ve had multiple conversations with Monique Coleman (my High School Musical childhood) about all things spirituality and life advice. I talked to Brit Manuela about female confidence at the gym. There are so many more great guides to come on board in the future too!

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The community of ALL communities

This heading couldn’t say it any better. Warriors is literally the definition of community! (yeah, that’s right. Bolded AND italicized) Each and every girl helps make Warriors feel more like home that it’s hard to believe that I’ve never actually met any of these girls in real life. Warriors is going to be the future of women’s confidence, motivation and beauty and if you don’t believe me, see for yourself! (WeAreWarriors)