Five Friday favorites-new at home workouts
I am always open to learning new exercises, especially for core. Sometimes i like to branch of from my regular routines and make up some new exercises. Most of them are just variations of already existing workouts, so they don’t really have a name, but here are some new workouts that have benefitted me tremendously. I tried to take step by step pictures of me doing the workouts, but they did not turn out the way I expected them to considering there’s a no photo policy at my gym, so that’s why the photos are a little on the bad side!
1. crunches on a ball: Some people are very hesitant doing crunches as a workout because they feel that there could be something that is more benefitical to their routine. What i have seen a lot of progress with is when i do small crunches while on a ball for about 3-4 minutes straight. This is usually the length of an entire song. You can feel your abs getting tighter and engaged as the song progresses. If I want to challenge myself, I will place the ball on my lower back, which involves more strength on the upper ab area.
2. Jumping squats jacks: The name I made up for the exercise stinks, but the way that you perform it is basically the title. You are doing squat jumping jacks. You want to start in front of either a mat or something that is long. Then you place a weight on the ground in front of you. As you jump, you go into a squat, placing both legs on either side of the mat, and pick up the weight as you come back up. Land with both feet together in the center of the mat, holding the weight. As you go back down the second time, you place the weight on the ground in front of you, while both feet are on either side, and you come up with both feet in the center. After, you repeat, which works out the outer thigh muscles.
3. horizontal lunge shuffles: In this exercise, all you’ll need is a mat and maybe some leg weights (if you want.) Start with both feet on top of the mat, in a squatted position. As you place one foot outside the mat, add a little hop to it and switch feet. Remember, one leg is inside the mat at all times, while the other one is on the outside. The more fast you switch feet from side to side, the more challenging it gets. You can also go forward as you are moving side to side to make it even more of a workout for your glutes and legs. Between this and the jumping squat jacks, you will definitely feel it the next day!
4. single leg leg raises: The single leg leg raises are just like doing regular leg raises, but instead of moving both at the same time, you do one individual instead. Start in a laying position, having you two legs bend in the air at a 90 degree angle. While your hands are on the ground to your side, slowly bring one leg down to the ground and raise it back up. Then you do the same with your other leg. This works the abdominal muscles and strengthens the muscles in your lower back.
5. Wood chop: The wood chop is a good way to warm up the core and abs. You can do it at home with a weight, instead of a cable cord. You hold it straight out in front of you and slowly twist from side to side. The heavier the weight is, the more difficult it will be.